Golf fitness is a service that is included as a part of all long-term coaching programs but can be added separately as well.  


Get a full-powered TPI-designed fitness program just for you. The first step is a one-hour full TPI assessment with Phil Herder, MS (Strength and Conditioning). The cost for the initial assessment is $125. After your full assessment, Phil will design a custom plan for you based on the findings and the equipment you have access to. Phil works closely with Dr. Benoit to create a personalized program. A free swing analysis is also provided at no cost with your TPI assessment. Email Phil at to setup your swing analysis and schedule

Movement is imperative, and the way your body moves affects how you swing the club. It allows you to achieve optimum positions so you can swing efficiently and consistently. Golf fitness isn’t just about how far you can move, but how well you move, with control and stability.

If you’d like to work continually with Phil long-term on a monthly basis you can have a 30-minute zoom check-in and customized plan. Phil will help you adhere to your program and achieve your goals! $109/month.

Interested clients should email Phil, at or express interest to Dr. Luke Benoit in person.

Functional TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Assessment - $250, takes 1 full hour

A functional TPI assessment is the practical way for most golfers to integrate fitness into their golf game as it focuses more on your swing and your game. Luke's 3 step process is fast, comprehensive, and proven. Most individuals increase clubhead speed by more than 5 mph in the 6 weeks following an initial Functional TPI session. That's 10-15 yards!  

Step 1 - Foresight or Trackman Swing Assessment (takes 15 minutes)

A functional assessment begins with a biomechanical assessment of your current swing. Swing flaws, power leaks, and inconsistent motor patterns will be identified and explained using video and Trackman. In combination with a short interview process, Luke will get to the bottom of your golf swing strengths and limitations. During this initial assessment clubhead speed will be measured. NOTE: many golf fitness professionals are unqualified for this level of bio-mechanical swing assessment, which can lead to fitness routines that fail to address your particular swing flaws. 

Step 2 - Physical Assessment (takes 15 minutes)

A full TPI assessment can take up to 90 minutes. Drawing on what was learned about your golf swing, this 15 minute version gets to the heart of the matter fast, alleviating the need to go through redundant screening tests. During the physical assessment you'll learn how limitations in mobility and stability can/have contribute to your swing flaws. Some physical strength or flexibility tests might be recorded and compared later, depending on your swing flaws and goals. 

Step 3 - Prescription (takes 30 minutes)

After the assessment, you'll be led through a series of exercises that will serve as introduction to the exercises you'll be asked to do over the next 6 weeks. These may include strength, flexibility, or sequencing drills. You should dress ready to get in a short but vigorous workout. Within one day, Luke will also follow up via email with a prescribed plan detailing your 20-30 minute workout. After 6 weeks it is recommended that your return for a followup visit to be re-evaluated. This re-evaluation as well as subsequent sessions are priced as regular lessons.